We invite you to become a Signatory Member

The long-term vision of the IRI is to build a legacy of corporate, institutional and environmental sustainability.

Value to Partner Companies

  • Be credited with ‘founding partner’ status
  • Shape the IRI to the benefit of your organization, industry and community
  • Integrate, collaborate and learn from the unique IRI network
  • Leverage a global platform to communicate your expertise
  • Receive ongoing recognition across all events, publications and communications
  • Participate in IRI roundtables and training programs
  • Develop joint thought leadership publications
  • Be among the first organizations to apply the IRI reporting framework
  • Be part of a legacy of corporate social responsibility in Islamic business
  • Ongoing recognition across all events, publications and communications
  • Application of the IRI reporting models
  • Participate in IRI roundtables, programs, and training programs

Be part of the IRI legacy, for the sustainable development of the economy, society and environment.

Sign up – free:

I would like to receive more information about:

The IRI PILOT PROGRAM (application deadline 30 June 2023)
Signatory Membership
Becoming a Strategic Partner of the IRI
Other (please use form below)







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I confirm to have the authority to represent the organization mentioned above.

Organizations may become Signatory Members or Partners. As a Signatory Member, you will show your support for the IRI, recognizing the opportunity behind this new industry standard which seeks to align CSR with relevant cultural values. There is no monetary cost in becoming a Signatory Member; at this stage we are generating awareness and gathering support.

If you feel your organization is able to contribute more substantially, for example, by actively contributing financially or in expertise, and would be interested to contribute or lead in the development of the initiative, the IRI welcomes you to get in touch.

To learn more about becoming a Partner, please contact the IRI to confirm your interest in becoming a Signatory Member, please complete the sign-up form above.