Guiding Principles

The following principles provide the ethical framework that we aspire to while working with in relationships with others:

  • Treat colleagues, stakeholders, customers, suppliers and the public respectfully and professionally, taking account of confidential issues when appropriate.
  • Deal courteously with those who hold opinions that differ from ours.
  • Respect cultural differences.
  • Have open and explicit relationships with government, the public, the private sector and other funders.

In our work

  • Operate with honesty and integrity in all our work, taking steps to identify and deal with corrupt practices and professional misconduct.
  • Be open and transparent in making decisions, undertaking activities and allocating funding; if that is not possible, explain why.
  • Reach conclusions based on best scientific and professional practice, having considered all views.
  • Work to the standards of EU legislation as a minimum here and abroad, and operate according to local laws as required.
  • Disclose conflicts of interest and actively manage them.
  • Ensure funding decisions are transparent and securely based on objective assessment and selection procedures.
  • Recognise appropriately the intellectual, scientific support and operational contributions of others.
  • Consider ethical challenges and the limits of our knowledge by broadening debate at an early stage.

Impact on the environment

  • Weigh any possible adverse impacts of proposed work against the expected benefits, while considering the economic, social and environmental dimensions.
  • Assess and minimise the adverse impacts of our decisions and work on the natural environment, on people and on animal welfare.