Alliances and synergies commit IRI in its efforts of promoting economic, social and environmental prosperity and connect its standards to other relevant international guidance initiatives and frameworks.

OIC LOGO 2016The OIC is dedicated to preserving and promoting Islamic values of peace, equality, human dignity, and environmental prosperity. The IRI, in its journey towards making business responsible through the application of CSR and CSR reporting, has many values aligned with our own.

The OIC commends the IRI in its efforts in promoting economic, social and environmental prosperity in a manner that is not only impact-oriented and sustainable, but culturally relevant and responsive.” Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)


“Open public reporting is essential if business is to build and maintain societal trust. It is a key part of the commitment to the principles of the UN Global Compact.

So I commend the ambitions of the Islamic Reporting Initiative; by seeking to emphasize and build on our shared values for human and environmental prosperity, the IRI will accelerate progression towards the objectives outlined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals by leveraging business potential.” Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, Chairman of the UN Global Compact Foundation



“As an international employers’ organization, we recognize, celebrate and are stronger for the diversity of our members. As such, we are pleased to include the Islamic Reporting Initiative in the 2016 edition of our international handbook on sustainability reporting.

We commend the IRI for their support in creating a business tool for employers, underlining that CSR is a serious business for all, irrespective of country, religion, culture, tradition and history.” Linda Kromjong, Secretary-General of the International Organisation of Employers


“Our strategic partnership with the Islamic Reporting Initiative presents an alliance between two organizations, who, through distinctive and complementary methods, work towards mainstreaming responsible business.” Tomás Carruthers, CEO of the Social Stock Exchange

WBG Islamic Reporting Initiative“Heading up Corporate Responsibility (CR) and sustainability projects at the World Bank, I have become very familiar with the challenges in delivering and reporting on CR and CSR-related programs. To me, the IRI presents an exciting solution; aspiring to be a starting point and platform for change, the IRI’s intelligent combination of cultural values and technological advancement is the future of CR and CSR reporting. In a nutshell, I wish I had had this tool years ago.” Dr Faisal Al-Hothali, Former Head of the CR Program, The World Bank