International organisations

OIC LOGO 2016The OIC is dedicated to preserving and promoting Islamic values of peace, equality, human dignity, and environmental prosperity. The IRI, in its journey towards making business responsible through the application of CSR and CSR reporting, has many values aligned with our own.

The OIC commends the IRI in its efforts in promoting economic, social and environmental prosperity in a manner that is not only impact-oriented and sustainable, but culturally relevant and responsive.” Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)


“Open public reporting is essential if business is to build and maintain societal trust. It is a key part of the commitment to the principles of the UN Global Compact.

So I commend the ambitions of the Islamic Reporting Initiative; by seeking to emphasize and build on our shared values for human and environmental prosperity, the IRI will accelerate progression towards the objectives outlined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals by leveraging business potential.” Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, Chairman of the UN Global Compact Foundation


“As an international employers’ organization, we recognize, celebrate and are stronger for the diversity of our members. As such, we are pleased to include the Islamic Reporting Initiative in the 2016 edition of our international handbook on sustainability reporting.

We commend the IRI for their support in creating a business tool for employers, underlining that CSR is a serious business for all, irrespective of country, religion, culture, tradition and history.” Linda Kromjong, Secretary-General of the International Organisation of Employers

“Our strategic partnership with the Islamic Reporting Initiative presents an alliance between two organizations, who, through distinctive and complementary methods, work towards mainstreaming responsible business.” Tomás Carruthers, CEO of the Social Stock Exchange

WBG Islamic Reporting Initiative“Heading up Corporate Responsibility (CR) and sustainability projects at the World Bank, I have become very familiar with the challenges in delivering and reporting on CR and CSR-related programs. To me, the IRI presents an exciting solution; aspiring to be a starting point and platform for change, the IRI’s intelligent combination of cultural values and technological advancement is the future of CR and CSR reporting. In a nutshell, I wish I had had this tool years ago.” Dr Faisal Al-Hothali, Former Head of the CR Program, The World Bank


NPO & NGO organisations


JCC Islamic Reporting Initiative“The IRI leverages the potential of Islamic principles and values as a relevant reference point for employees, when implementing CSR.

Islamic principles and values are already well-integrated into corporate culture and are highly compatible with the objectives of CSR.

As such, the IRI makes the task of introducing the new concept of CSR significantly more practical.”
Heba Faqih, Board Member of the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce & Industry CSR Committee



“At Glowork, collaborating with the Islamic Reporting Initiative presents us with an excellent opportunity to work alongside businesses in delivering on national ambitions.”
Khalid Alkhudair, Founder and CEO, Glowork, Saudi Arabia


SNS Islamic Reporting Initiative“Businesses throughout the Islamic world are set to prosper with the advancing of the Islamic Reporting Initiative.

Unique in its capacity to recognize and apply the values of Islamic business culture in a way that is compatible with international standards of CSR, the IRI will serve the sustainable interests of societies and economies worldwide.”
Al-Ramadi Qaad Al-Saqari, General Supervisor, Saudi Network for Social Responsibility


TISK Islamic Reporting Initiative“First and foremost, the CSR for ALL project is about building awareness and capacity for CSR and Sustainability Reporting. To achieve this effectively in an international context, it becomes essential to have a profound understanding of local culture.

The IRI not only recognizes this fact, but has identified and acted upon an opportunity that leverages the powerful potential of local culture as a strategic advantage.”
Nil Memisoglu Mit, Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations, Project Coordinator CSR for ALL


Human Rights and Communitz Development in AssuitAssiut Human Rights, under the umbrella of Ministry of Social Solidarity and Justice, works to promote and protect human rights of Egyptian citizens. The Association is concerned about marginalized groups including children, women, youth, and victims of torture and violations of human rights in Egypt. Assiut Human Rights Organization in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council “ECOSOC” of the United Nations since 2012.


f logoFSC is a global, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of responsible forest management worldwide.  It is a platform for forest owners, timber industries, social groups and environmental organizations to come together to find solutions to improve forest management practices.



Towards the pursuance of our goal to promote Islamic banking and finance all over the globe, AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics is working diligently since its existence 10 years ago. AlHuda CIBE has been acknowledged as a distinguished service provider due to our notable services, team of dedicated professionals and one stop solutions of Islamic banking and finance.


Kunhadi (Arabic ” كُن هادي) is a non-profit organization concerned with road safety in Lebanon. Kunhadi’s work includes lobbying and advocacy. Its main focus is on improving dangerous driving behaviors, such as speeding, drunk driving, not wearing helmets or seat belts and driving while fatigued or distracted.


The seeds of the Arab Youth Climate Movement (AYCM) were planted in Cairo in the lead up to the UNFCCC COP18 Doha in 2012. Since then a total of 16 AYCM national chapters have been established, including Syria, Sudan, Mauritania, Libya, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Oman.





“As a national education institution, what we perceive to be a long-standing challenge is a mismatch between the skills developed through education, and those needed for employment. Other challenges include youth engagement, unemployment, and those in the workplace themselves, such as gender and labour issues.

The expertise we can bring as a University is the energy of a generation that seeks positive change. We are well placed to recognize the challenges of the younger generation and therefore able to contribute to the solutions.”
Dr Abdel-Aziz Sharabati, Head of Management, Marketing and E-Business Department, Middle East University



Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin is IRI Signatory members since 2015. It is considered the biggest “comprehensive university” in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia and to be one of the most respected Islamic-based institution of higher learning in Malaysia. It has produced thousands of graduates in any fields, since its establishment in 1980.




University of Palestine is a Singatory member since 2015. This is a Palestinian private institution of higher education located in Al-Zahra’ (south of Gaza City) with campuses operating in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Syria. The university was established in 2003. University of Palestine is the only University that carries the name of the country.



MEB Islamic Reporting Initiative“There are many cultural nuances deeply embedded and practiced by Islamic companies that are aligned with CSR ambitions such as social entrepreneurship, social responsibility, and philanthropy.

Now a must for any business, CSR in Islamic countries will greatly benefit from a reporting framework that speaks the same language.”
Amal Daraghmeh Masri, CEO, Ougarit Group (Palestine) – Named Best Woman Entrepreneur in the MENA